Jessica Allen

San Francisco, USA

Engine Yard


Jessica, maker of the things. When she is not busy crafting the UI at Engine Yard there is so much to do! Like: Building desks, generating (awesome) random text, sew things, glue things or just enjoy some expertly made coffee in and around San Francisco.

We know Miss Allen for quite a while now and hereby declare it impossible to be in a bad mood while being in the same room with her. Our suggestion: Better come and hear her speak, learn how to build and finally become a happy human being again. This leads the way to your ticket to high spirits.

Watch the video of Jessica's talk

Astrid Bin

London, UK

Teller of the Tales

Astrid makes, lives and breathes art. According to sources close to the matter she has photographed over 4,000 banana skins , made a pigeon picture from toast or set your thoughts free and let them fly .

Besides that being awesome in itself Astrid also uses web technology to tell immersive stories in new ways. Using all sorts of media she bends our understanding of how a narrative can be delivered. Grab your ticket to hear her story.

Watch the video of Astrid's talk

Robin Boehm

Essen, Germany

Wizard of Client Sides

Robin is on a mission to teach and build JavaScript front end projects that are not your common jQuery butchery. Instead he brings test driven practices to his clients in a world where try & error is still the norm.

He is also co-author of the German AngularJS book .

Watch the video of Robin's talk

Paul Campbell

Dublin, Ireland

tito & hypertiny

Coding Connoisseur

Flipping through the «Book of Cool Irishman» it does not take long till you open Paul's page. The odds are good that if you ever have attended an awesome conferece, it was organized by Paul: Funconf, Brio, Úll you name it. Besides his ability to throw events everyone loves he also builds great software and has something to say.

Your chance to hear a Trinity College philosophy alumni talk at a hacker conference. Curious what comes out of that? Get a ticket!

Watch the video of Paul's talk

Jason Costello

San Francisco, USA


Octo Overlord

We are pretty sure that you have seen some of Jason's art out there on the internet . And isn't it awesome?! So if you ever wanted to hear a designer who travelled 6,000 miles to get to a conference talk about something completely different: So Coded is your chance!

Watch the video of Jason's talk

Andy Delcambre

San Francisco, USA


The Web's Gist

Grewn up in Stumptown - Portland, OR as a kid of two CS majors his job today is to make one of your favorite web services a little more awesome each day. He is the perfect one to take us on to lands that no web dev ever sees. Let Andy be our guide on a journey through the foundations of the tools we use every day and shed some light on the darker parts of the web.

If that does not sound very interesting to you just swing buy to discuss some whiskey with Mr. Delcambre. Grab a ticket!

Watch the video of Andy's talk


We are super sorry!

Unfortunately Chad has to cancel his appearance at So Coded. We are working together with him to find a drop in speaker as soon as possible. We will let you know here and on Twitter as soon as we can announce who will be speaking instead.

Michael Godfrey

Waterloo, Canada

Cheriton School of Computer Science

The Scientist

As an associate professor at the University of Waterloo Michael's research interests spans many areas of empirical software engineering including software evolution , mining software repositories , reverse engineering , program comprehension , and software clone detection and analysis .

He also contributed a chapter entitled "Copy-Paste as a Principled Engineering Tool" to the 2010 O'Reilly book Making Software: What Really Works and Why We Believe It .

Lets do some science at So Coded!

Watch the video of Michael's talk

Konstantin Haase

Berlin, Germany

Travis CI


Welcome the maintainer of Ruby's Sinatra framework , developer of Rubinius and well travelled speaker at So Coded: Hello Konstantin!

Straight from Berlin to Hamburg comes one of our Ruby heroes to spread some insights on the inner workings of our web developers tools of trade. Want to go for a deep dive? Come to So Coded!

Watch the video of Konstantin's talk

Hans Christian

Freiburg, Germany

GitHub profile

Podcast Genius For Fun & Profit

As a part of the HTML5 Boilerplate team Hans lives at the edge of web technology. And as one of the good guys he does not keep the wisdom he gathers there for himself but shares it with the world on his blog or as a co-host of the famous german workingdraft podcast.

Meet a HTML5 wizard: Come to So Coded

Watch the video of Hans' talk

Igor Terzic

At a keyboard, Near you

GitHub profile

Backpack Hacker

Igor is currently traveling and solving all those financial problems with software at Addepar . Before that he worked on bringing knowledge to the world at Khan Academy Besides that he spends a lot of time helping the ember.js team by improving ember-data and spreading the word about it.

If you ever wanted to meet someone who actually loves refactoring more than writing new apps meet Igor at So Coded!

Watch the video of Igor's talk

Nic Williams

Palo Alto, USA

Stark & Wayne LLC

The Doctor Is In

Nic helped to shape the Ruby community since years. His GitHub profile list no less than 296 projects. Among them everything from famous TextMate plugins to participation in the puma app server , Rubinius and the Rails Installer . Today he is earning his Cloud Foundry merits as a Bosh expert helping the world to get the most out of "the cloud". For sure he has some deployment tricks up his sleeve for you!

Ever wanted to hack together your own Heroku ? Do it with Dr. Nic - Join us at So Coded!

Watch the video of Nic's talk